Thursday, October 30, 2008

巴厘岛-24/10/2008 (Part 2)


p/s: 想知道有关酒店的资料请点击


Uluwatu Temple (Pura Uluwatu) is one of Bali's six directional temples and Uluwatu's only site of significance. Though a small temple was claimed to have existed,the structure was significantly expanded by a Javanese sage, Empu Kuturan in the 11th Century. Another sage from East Java, Dang Hyang Nirartha is credited for constructing the padmasana shrines and is claimed to have attained Moksha here. More remarkable than the temple itself is its location, perched on a steep cliff 70 meters above the roaring ocean waves. There are more steep headlands on either side, and sunsets over Uluwatu are a sight to behold.

Entrance fee is Rp3,000 , sarong rental is free. As usual, you need to be properly dressed to enter, sarongs and sashes can be rented at the entrance. Guides, once famously mercenary, hassle visitors less than they used to. Note that, while you are free to walk around the edges of the temple, the central courts can only be entered during special rituals.

The temple is inhabited by large number of monkeys, who are extremely adept at snatching visitors' belonging, including bags, cameras and eyeglasses. Keep a very close grip on all your belongings and stow away your eyeglasses if at all possible.这是真的。我是四眼一族,没有眼镜更本就看不清楚,所以我把眼镜紧握在手。在一次拍照时,一只猴子溜至我背后趁我没留意那我的眼镜,还好我有握紧。 If you do have something taken, the monkeys can usually be induced to exchange it for some fruit; needless to say, rewarding the monkeys like this only encourages them to steal more. Locals will be happy to do the job for you, naturally in exchange for a tip (Rp 10,000 - 50,000). --> is not needed :p

There is also a very scenic Uluwatu cave with rock formations leading into a beach close to the temple. This is a popular spot for surfers.

Kecak dance (aka "monkey dance") performances are held at the temple daily between 6 PM and 7 PM (7pm开始). Tickets for the visually spectacular if rather unoriginal show (it was invented in the 1930s) cost Rp 50,000. The show is performed for tourists and lasts 1 hour.

看完Kecak dance后,Nyorman就载我们到Jimbaran海边享用浪漫的烧烤海鲜晚餐。我们点了啤酒、sotong、虾和鱼,随餐还附送一蝶空心菜。哇,吃的肚子很涨!在这浪漫的海边还有卖烤玉蜀黍,好想吃^_^。在海边散散步后,我们便回酒店去了。


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